Replica Furniture

Glicks has built a reputation on bringing good quality designer and replica furniture to the public at incredibly low prices. Our stunning range of replica designer furniture will turn your apartment, home or office into a vibrant area you will be proud to call your own.
Whether you plan on working, resting, or spending quality time with friends and family in your newly furnished area, you’ll know you made the right choice with your replica furniture. The best designers such as Mies van der Rohe, Arne Jacobsen, and Ray Eames would feel right at home in your stylish room featuring stunning mid-century pieces like the beautiful Barcelona chair.
With famous collections from original designers such as Charles Eames, Michael Thonet, Le Corbusier, Eero Saarinen and Hans Wegner, you’ll be sure to find something you love at our mega furniture showroom. We carry a wide selection of designer and replica furniture including lounges, office chairs, dining tables, coffee and side tables, cafe and dining chairs, and much more. Plus, you can fill up your shopping cart with ease, knowing we offer multiple payment options for every type of replica furniture lover. Take a look at our extensive range of designer and replica furniture below to see which of our iconic pieces will best complement your current décor.